They Call Me Mista Yu

Engage and Connect: Your Role in Our Growth

Mista Yu

You heard the political big wigs do it. Here's the state of the They Call Me Mista Yu address. We would love your support. LOL.

How can your support help transform the All Purpose Pod into an even greater platform for meaningful conversations? Join us in this heartfelt episode as we express our gratitude to our amazing listeners and dive into the importance of subscribing to our podcast on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, and other platforms. We reflect on the journey since our inception in 2020, sharing the origins and evolution of our discussions that span family, relationships, sports, and culture. Whether you're a new listener or a longtime fan, revisiting our earlier seasons offers a deep understanding of the podcast's foundation and vision.

Moreover, we unveil brand-new interactive features that allow you to send questions and comments, which we will address in future episodes. Get excited about our upcoming "They Call Me Mr. Yu" series of one-on-one interviews, where compelling personal stories will be at the forefront. We also highlight the critical need for financial contributions to maintain and upgrade our equipment, ensuring we deliver high-quality content continuously. Your support is instrumental in helping us reach our goals, and we warmly invite you to connect with us via email, social media, or our YouTube chan

Have a question for Mista Yu? Text the show and he’ll answer it personally.

Thank you for listening to the All Purpose Pod for an All Purpose Life and your Weekly Mirror Check before you go change the world! You can find and subscribe to our show on our YouTube channel:

We're LIVE every Monday at 9am EST and the Wednesday Wrap-Up at 9am EST every Wednesday as well as our Facebook, IG, Linked In, and X platforms @theycallmemistayu. For audio listeners, TCMMY is everywhere you enjoy your podcasts. 

Hope you enjoyed today's episode! You can find and subscribe to our show on our YouTube channel:

Follow us Monday-Thursday on our Youtube, Facebook, IG, Linked In, and X platforms @theycallmemistayu. For audio listeners, TCMMY is everywhere you enjoy your podcasts. 

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We're the All Purpose Pod for an All Purpose Life because we talk about topics and provide information that affects the whole person. Health, nutrition, family, sports, relationships. Live eps on Monday morning at 9am EST and multiple live shows during the week!

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Go Change The World! Coach Out!

Speaker 1:

Thank you, welcome back to the All Purpose Pod for an all-purpose life. Wherever you are and however you are listening to the Call Me, mr U the podcast. We thank you again for making us a part of your morning, your day and your week. We're your weekly mirror check before you change the world. Thank you for joining us. However you're listening to our show. We definitely appreciate you doing that. Your support is invaluable.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you are a video only listener, that means you're watching us on YouTube or simulcasting on Facebook, tiktok, instagram and, of course, the Twitter. You can do that continually. Definitely love you to subscribe to our channel, youtubecom at theycallmemru. Please continue to do that. That's going to be very helpful. I know we're just pressing one little subscribe button. You're not going to get spammed. Your email is not going to get blown up when you hit subscribe. You're going to just get an alert especially if you are a YouTube follower already that we have a new episode or new content for you to look at. It's not going to be a burden. I promise you on that. I'm a big proponent against that. I don't like that in my inboxes either. So trust me when I tell you hitting the YouTube button to subscribe to our channel is not going to cause you harm and danger. So please continue to support us that way by doing that. If you haven't done it, please jump into youtubecom at. They call me Mr. You Please subscribe to the show.

Speaker 1:

You see the channel. There. You get all of our recent episodes and everything from season four. I'd say you have access to that because it's going to be our video and audio. Now, if you are audio listening, we have several of you guys that don't do YouTube, you don't do Twitter, you barely do Facebook, but you do listen to the show. First off, thank you for being consistent and loving the show the way you love it and listening the way you want to listen to it. We definitely appreciate that.

Speaker 1:

Now that's going to be audio listeners. So you're listening on Pandora, iheartradio, spotify or using Apple Podcasts. Apple Podcasts is the only place you can subscribe to our podcast. The other ones don't allow you to do that. It's been like that for years. Not quite sure why that's still going on, but that's the thing. That's what's going on. So sorry about any confusion there, but Apple Podcasts will allow you to subscribe to our podcast. So please go to Apple Podcasts to hit the subscribe button and you get access to all of our episodes, all the way back to season one.

Speaker 1:

That being said, recently I shared a quick vision of the podcast, the direction that we're going, the why that we started this podcast in 2020, some of the new direction that we are undertaking the past six months, and I got some great response from you guys regarding that. Thank you for listening to the episode. If you missed it, it's right there, it's available. It's talking about casting a vision. I think that's part of the title casting vision so you can check that out and you can kind of hear where we started from, in a quick snippet anyways, and what we're trying to accomplish. Also, just a quick tip I'm not trying to get you to give us more download, but this is kind of important In order for you to understand where we are now, where we're going. You got to understand where we came from. So, for all you guys to support me on a personal basis and for you guys to support the podcast because you like what we're talking about, you like what's happening, you like to see all the different aspects of our life our family, marriage, relationships, uh, things that we're doing, uh, gardening and agricultural wise, and even the sports content, family and life and the culture that we talk about in our society and all of the teachings that are going out there.

Speaker 1:

Regarding that, season one to season three is all audio. I don't have any video there. So when you go to listen Apple Podcasts, for example, hit subscribe button and you'll see all of the podcasts pop up. They'll populate for you from season one all the way up to now. The first three seasons seasons one, two and three are all audio. There's no video attached, but it's a lot more in-depth. It's a lot very authentic and what we're talking about. We're talking about things regarding, uh, biblical teachings and, uh, we're talking a lot about family life relationships. We talked a lot about business and entrepreneurship. A lot was going on those first three seasons, but they're definitely great context for you to understand why we're doing what we're doing and why we're going in the direction that we're going in and why I come to you to where I am today, asking for your support.

Speaker 1:

I want you to understand the heart of why we're doing what we're doing. Some folks jump in at the back leg and they're looking at sports and they think that's what we're talking about. I'm trying to be the next ESPN guy. If you know me, you know better. I don't care to do that. It's not my goal. It's not a mountain I'm trying to climb. It's not my interest whatsoever. There's a reason why I'm doing sports.

Speaker 1:

If you listen to some of the shows, you'll see why I'm trying to do that. I try to be as clear as I can on most of the episodes in regards to that. If you go back to seasons one through three and you listen to the heart of this podcast, you see, probably in the first episode and even especially in the season one I emphasize it a lot during that time you see the heart of why we're doing what we're doing and why we're diversifying the way we are right now. You saw a glimpse of it even back then in the first season. So check out seasons one through three.

Speaker 1:

I want you to catch the vision and understand why we're doing what we're doing and why we're asking for your support in regards to financial support and, of course, hit and subscribe and Apple podcast for the audio side and, of course, the YouTube channel. We're asking for your subscription to help us move forward into different things we could talk about shortly, but I know that recently you guys got a chance to see the presidential debate. I was on the air live so I didn't get a chance to see any of that, so I heard a lot of the backlash. But today we're doing the state of the U address, state of the call me, mr U address today.

Speaker 1:

All right, so first thing, in our episode description, especially on the audio side, specifically on the audio side, there's a link at the top of the episode description. The link says if you want to send Mr you a text, click this link. Nothing wrong with it, it's good. What that allows you to do is to send me. It could be a topic idea. Most times it's a question about something we're talking about on the show. It could be a comment, it could be the question you were thinking about, even if it covers anything in the realm of sports, family life, culture, entrepreneurship, whatever we talk about on this show, on this entire brand of podcast. You can send a link or hit that link there and you can send a text to me directly and I will respond to your comment or your question and try to answer it on the very next episode that we do, no matter what brand of shows that episode is going to be on under, I'll answer it. So it's basically called fan mail. It's a link at the top of our episode descriptions in our podcast host account so you can see that copied out. And, of course, if you go to social media, you can see a lot of those descriptions there in the show, whether it be on YouTube, whether it be an Apple podcast, spotify, whatever it is. You can see the link there, you can click on it and it'll allow you to send me a text that I can read and respond to on our very next episode of the show. It's really cool because you got a chance to be interactive and to really be a part of the show. And if you can't be there live when we do most of our shows which is what we do mostly three, four days a week they're live you can send that question or comment via text and I can still have you involved and be interactive and I can answer it on the very next episode. I just want you to know that. That was there. It's available for you.

Speaker 1:

Also, you're going to be noticing a lot of they Call Me Mr you one-on-one interviews taking place on the show. I've been wanting to do that for a while the first three seasons I've kind of labored. I wanted it so badly but I just couldn't make it work. Season four was obviously the right time. It was a green light go to do more interviews and we're hearing some very compelling stories so far. I'm so excited about what we've been hearing from people, stories that have been unfolding and just the things that we've been learning about people that we labor with, people that are friends and associates and connections about, and we're hearing so many things that are so touching and so heartbreaking in some cases and enlightening in other cases, and I'm excited about keeping that going. We're definitely going to do that.

Speaker 1:

We have some people on the calendar for more interviews, but I want to kind of open it up for you guys. I'm not going to interview everybody that says I want to kind of open it up for you guys. I'm not going to interview everybody that says I want to be interviewed. There is a process for this. There is a vetting process, if you will, regarding this, but I want to let you know that we're not looking for some big names or people who are so-called famous or so-called social media influencers. I don't care about that. I care about the story. I care about what is relatable. I care about if our viewers and listeners who I know better than you guys do and what I think they're going to enjoy to hear enjoy listening to and learning from and gleaning from. So that's open. We're going to talk about that.

Speaker 1:

If you have a question about potentially being an interviewee or you have a question about the process of that, you know somebody who you think may be a good fit. We got podcast communities that are feeding us information like this, so we have a pool to choose from. But I want to open it up to people who actually know me, that are not strangers to me and think I might find value in some areas. Email me directly at. They call me Mr U at gmailcom. It's M-I-S-T-A-Y-U. They call me Mr U M-I-S-T-A-Y-U at gmailcom. Send me an email. I take a look at the request and see if it fits what we're trying to accomplish and I'll let you know directly. More than happy to do that.

Speaker 1:

As some of you have been thinking about financially supporting us, I kind of want to make it clear that it could help us in some of the community things that we're trying to accomplish, but just upkeep of the equipment, some upgrades that are needed camera-wise, some of the new things that we're getting ready to do, some new shows we're getting ready to launch or relaunch things like that. So the brand is growing and it requires some finances. Obviously, it's not just a microphone and a computer. There's a lot going on back here. So we definitely could use the financial support. Subscribing to the YouTube channel and Apple Podcasts trust me, it does help. It allows us to have some flexibility, which I'll talk about in a second.

Speaker 1:

But as far as the support goes, we've got some friends that are helping us out. They financially support us every single month and, of course, you don't have to do that, but it's an option. We have the opportunity to do that and you can do that through our podcast host account, which the information should be published on the socials or in our YouTube channel should be there, for sure or in one of the links to our Buzzsproutcom account, which is our podcast host. You can actually help us out financially there. Walk you through how to do it. It's not hard, it's not anything laborious, it's pretty easy. Hey, we'll walk you through how to do it. Walk you through how to do it. It's not hard, it's not anything laborious. It's pretty easy and you can just decide how often you want to support us if it's monthly or what have you and how much you want to support us with, not begging, just making an option there for you that you guys can do that If you'd like to help support us financially.

Speaker 1:

End of the day, one of the reasons why we ask about financial support and for the subscriptions is not because we're trying to get famous. I have to reiterate that because people don't seem to understand sometimes and they make judgments about that. I want to make sure that people understand what we're trying to accomplish. Now. We have analytics and stats behind our podcasts and all those things drive our growth and they drive our productivity. So every time that we have a show, there's stats attached to it. Every episode that we publish, there's stats attached to it. Like most stuff in life, there's performance and things that are incentive-based when you grow and you provide enough content and you have enough downloads and you have enough reaction to those downloads and how many people are streaming your podcast. All those things are things that our podcast hosts and that's what they care about. Okay, that being said, there is a metric and we talk about it pretty often, but they're called in the podcast world we call them DLs, but that's their downloads.

Speaker 1:

So what that is is it has to be an authentic download. That means you have to go to one of our sites like a Spotify or a Apple podcast and actually hit the download button on episodes, and we need to have that happen at a greater pace, at least for the next two or three days. So what that means is that when you hear this episode, that clock's already started. As soon as this episode is cleared to you and you can see it on your feeds, that means the three-day clock starts. So what we're looking to do is try to smash the goal of 296 downloads. Now, you think that's a lot because you think about being one person. It's not. If you go into Spotify or Pandora, you yourself, with one press of a button. It's usually an arrow in most of those cases, but I'm not quite sure what it is. It depends on which medium you're actually using. But when you hit that button, it'll download every episode of our show, and we have almost 400 episodes that we've done in this show.

Speaker 1:

So one person can solve this analytical issue, so to speak, what that does, and I want to encourage you to do that. I hope that there's more than one of you that does do that. What that allows us to do. It allows us to give free advertising to many podcasts members of our community who I definitely care to support. Some I won't support, but there's some that I do want to support, and giving them free advertising on our show is something I want to do. We do interviews with guests on the show, while we have podcast shows with people who are new to podcasting and trying to get their feet wet, because I want to give a platform to people who I think should have that. So, free advertising for the people who are doing some of these really good shows and offering really good content. I want to support them through this show as much as I can. As long as I can get behind it spiritually and morally. I want to do that, and reaching that download plateau, so to speak, or that benchmark, will allow us to be able to advertise more for them and, of course, it will bring some revenue to the show. It will allow us to with every download, it will allow us to get a percentage of that coming to the show and that will help grow the show financially as well.

Speaker 1:

So there's a lot of things going on, but I want to just give you a quick update on what we're talking about and why we ask for support. I hope that it all makes sense to you. I promise you you get clarity. If you check out seasons one through three of our audio podcast, I promise you get clarity about why we're doing what we're doing. So we're looking for a goal of 296 downloads within the next three days. If it's possible for it to be done today, even better. If we can smash that number and triple it, that's even better. If we can go even beyond that, it's going to be great. It's going to open the door for us to do a lot more things that we haven't been able to do on this show in almost four years. September's our four year anniversary. So we definitely want to try to smash that goal in the next few days because I think it's going to help us do more and take a next step on our anniversary and beyond.

Speaker 1:

So please continue to like, share, subscribe to the Call Me Mr Uter podcast. We have a host of shows that are out there. We are partnering with Sports and Money podcast, which I'm on every Tuesday nights. We also launched a brand new professional wrestling podcast called the Thursday Night Triple Threat. I'm one of four guys that are on it, bringing a level of professional wrestling back, talking about the old days, our childhood stories, how it impacted our family four guys that are on it that are bringing a level of professional wrestling back, talking about the old days, our childhood stories, how it impacted our family, some great things that can come out of it and how we've kind of just grown up with this sports entertainment medium. We also, of course, do the Wednesday wrap up on Wednesday mornings at nine and of course, they call me Mr U podcast at 9 am every Monday morning, which is all live shows. You can find us there and every once in a while I do some other shows where I'm a guest. So we have a lot of content flowing around.

Speaker 1:

But please continue to like, share and subscribe. The YouTube channel is a great place to start and, of course, on the audio side, the Apple podcast, where you can subscribe to that but also download the show. It'll be Apple Podcast, pandora, spotify. Please download as many episodes as you can and listen to them at your pace, but download them now, listen to them at your pace. You can be able to hear all the episodes in your own time, whether you're doing the laundry, whether you're jogging, whether you're exercising at the gym, whether you're at home just chilling, wherever it is. But go ahead and download all of the shows now and listen to them at your own pace.

Speaker 1:

We definitely appreciate that. If you have any questions, please email us or reach out to us at the call me, mr you, on YouTube channel or or however you can reach us on all of our social but thank you again for hearing me on this and hearing my heart. I pray. This was a blessing to you guys and I hope that you are open to help us out with this lofty goal. But it's doable. It's not impossible. It's doable. It's a mountain that we can climb. Thank you for your help with this and, of course, enjoy the music. Coach out, we'll be right back.

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