They Call Me Mista Yu

Father, Son, You - Part 1

Mista Yu

What if understanding the true essence of sonship could transform your life? Join us in this compelling episode of "Father, Son, and You" where we promise an eye-opening exploration of the roles and responsibilities that shape our identities and destinies. We'll start by discussing the profound concept of sonship, its impact on mentoring, serving, and personal growth, and why being a father and a son demands such high moral standards. Additionally, we express our heartfelt gratitude to our amazing listeners on platforms like YouTube, Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify for their unwavering support.

Explore the intricate challenges of leadership and self-discovery as we reflect on the roles of priest, prophet, and king. This episode underscores the importance of personal growth, healing, and the ongoing process of self-discovery to make a meaningful impact on the world. Buckle up for a transformative journey that promises to challenge and inspire.

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Speaker 2:

Welcome, welcome back to the all-purpose pod for an all-purpose life. Wherever you are and however you are listening today, call me mr you, the podcast. Once again, we thank you for making us a part of your morning, your day and your week with your weekly mirror check before you change the world. We thank you so much for all your support on all of our social media platforms. You've been holding it down for us out there and we really really appreciate that. Our love goes right back at you. Our YouTube channel is blowing up and we thank you for all of the new subscribers and all of the comments and questions about our content out there and, of course, our podcast, especially our audio lovers out there. We thank you guys for supporting us on Pandora and iHeartRadio, apple Podcasts, where you can subscribe to our podcast, and, I believe, also Spotify too, among many others. So thank you again for continuing to move in the flow of what we're doing at our brand of podcasts and content. They call me Mr you is just one of many things that we're doing, but we're really, really grateful that you are a part of this and that you are supporting this effort and helping us to drive this, because we got a lot to say and a lot to do, and we are excited about getting it done. This is not some random guy pressing record and just talking nonsense. We got something to say and the world's going to hear it. We're really excited about what your part in your role is in that. Excited about what your part in your role is in that. Of course, you've been hearing it on some recent episodes we've been releasing to you guys, such as casting a vision and some other things that are going on.

Speaker 2:

But thank you for your support. If you're financially supporting us, we definitely appreciate that. You can find us on buzzsproutcom and any of our show notes on our audio only episodes. We'll show you how you can continue to support us. So if you guys are thinking about financially supporting us, the answers to how to do that are right there. It's pretty simple Reach out.

Speaker 2:

If you have any questions for me, I'd be happy to help you out personally, if I can, for those that are subscribing via Apple Podcast or the YouTube channel or both. Thank you again. That really helps us out a lot, helps us move into places that we've never been before as a show. So you guys are helping us do some some big things out here. It's not just pressing a button. It's definitely making an impact. So thank you for all the ways you subscribe and you help share, like and push our program. We really appreciate it, thank you very much. And push our program. We really appreciate it, thank you very much. I wanted to start talking about a series that I've mentioned it and discussed it on previous episodes.

Speaker 2:

I would probably say that my first three seasons of this show were heavily embedded in this kind of material, in this kind of content, because it's been so close to my heart, has been important. It still is important. It's still very much high on my priority list. I don't care if I'm mentoring someone or being mentored by someone. This topic flows to the surface every time. I don't care if I'm serving in some kind of official capacity or I'm being served. This kind of material flows to the surface. It's definitely one of my highest priorities and that is the idea or the understanding or the concept of sonship. If you need to have a title for this, if you're writing things down in your journal and taking some notes which many of our listeners and viewers have been doing for a while, and they're still doing it the title would be Father, son and you. We're not excluding the Holy Spirit, but there's a point to this entire series. So please don't at me with. Where's the Holy Spirit? He's involved in this heavily, but the title is the Father, the Son and you and as you listen hopefully you listen with a discerning ear you'll hear where that title is coming from and how it relates to what we're going to be talking about within this series.

Speaker 2:

I have no idea how long the series is going to be, but thank you for riding with us to continue to be supportive. I heard from you guys and I'm still hearing from you guys, especially regarding our first three seasons, where it was heavy teaching and how much it impacted you. I heard from people around the world literally who were touched by what they were hearing. It ministered to them in ways that I can't even say thank you enough for, but I'm grateful for this kind of content. So we're definitely going to be bringing it back with a vengeance. You're seeing a lot of stuff on our social media platforms, particularly our YouTube channel. You're seeing a lot of gardening. You're seeing a lot of sports and sports content, a lot of family and life stuff. But we definitely will be bringing back these kind of episodes, these kind of series. So thank you for riding. It's going to be amazing.

Speaker 2:

I believe this series is going to be impactful in ways that I probably can't even prep you for in advance. Just buckle up and get ready for the ride. It's going to be intense. It's intense for me just by beginning this, so I know it's going to be intense as we move forward through it.

Speaker 2:

But regarding the title Father, son and you maybe you have one of each. Maybe you have a father and a son. Maybe you're one of these. Maybe you're a son and not yet a father. Maybe you have a father and a son. Maybe you're one of these. Maybe you're a son and not yet a father. Maybe you're both. Maybe you're a father to someone and you're a son.

Speaker 2:

Either way, your responsibility is massive. You know, in some circles you'll hear about being a priest, a prophet and a king. I got nothing against those titles. They're elevated levels from where we are right now and an indicator, or at least a benchmark, to where we should be in our moral standards, in our code of ethics, in our spiritual development and spiritual growth. Those are something that we should ascribe to because, in actuality, at the end of the day, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ paid for us to be in that position, to be on the level of a king, a priest, a prophet, to hold those mantles, to hold those levels of responsibility. We have those. We're just not seeing the manifestations of it in our lives just yet. But we know that it's the truth, it's been spoken, it's been decreed and it is, even if you don't feel like you're getting the job done as a father, or maybe you think you're doing a hardwood job as a son.

Speaker 2:

I say this without trying to speak for God, because who am I to do that? But you're already a priest, a prophet and a king already. It's been decreed, it's been set in stone. That that's who you are. You have to start calling yourself by your rightful name, by your rightful position. When you look in the mirror, don't listen to the other voices. You begin to call yourself who you are. Until you can see it. Call the priest out, call the prophet out. Call the priest out, call the prophet out, call the king out. Because you have I'm speaking to the men today specifically, but you have that inside of you, that seed of greatness, the one that we've seen in Abraham, the one that we've seen in Moses, the one that we've seen in Isaac, the one that we've seen in Isaac, the one that we've seen in the apostle Paul. The seed of greatness is inside of you and I don't care who's talking to you and saying otherwise. The seed of priests and prophets and kings are inside of you. I want you to understand that Now. There's a challenge in everything. There's a challenge in being a priest. What's that? Look at what's going on in the world around us.

Speaker 2:

Priests don't have the very best name, if we're being honest about it. Right, they don't have the best reputation. Why? Because they're held to a higher standard, because they were given more responsibility than the normal, everyday church folk or the normal parishioner. They were given more responsibilities, more of an obligation, more of a duty. So when that's stained or when that duty is laid down for selfish purposes, the condemnation comes in hot and heavy.

Speaker 2:

Because the priests have such a role, they have such a responsibility and on top of that, they were always understanding. It was always believed that they were closer to God than everybody else. Before the advent of Jesus Christ and the work that he did on the cross for us and for me and for you, the priests were the intermediaries. They were the ones assigned and the only ones that were fit, capable and authorized to go to God on behalf of the people. So when you disrupt that delicate balance, when you bring in something foreign into the mix, into the mix or flat out, just to be straight up and honest, when you saw yourself, you become not a holy but you become degraded, you become less than what the standard is.

Speaker 2:

So there's a challenge in being a priest, because the priest is supposed to be holy and the idea, even as I speak to some of these men that are listening to us today, in your mind you may be thinking be a priest, I don't know how to be holy, I'm struggling with just being me.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how to be a holy priest, someone with that level of responsibility, the kind of access to God where I hear him, he hears me, he instructs me, I obey him. I'm still handling this other light world. I can't handle something of that weight and magnitude and I understand. But there's a challenge of being a priest. There's a challenge of being a prophet. I mean, from what we understand of prophets, whether you believe in that or not, historically prophets hear from God and then they speak what they hear publicly. So you've got the responsibility of being close enough and sensitive enough to hear from the creator of heavens and earth, of the heavens and the earth. And then, on top of that, you got to overcome your fear of public speaking and have to share publicly what you believe you heard. So there's a challenge in being a prophet, so I understand that challenge for you as well.

Speaker 2:

And, of course, being a king Massive responsibilities and obligations to come with that. Some people who I'm speaking to today are challenged with just handling their own households. Challenged with dealing with the everyday rigors of having two, three, four, five kids and a spouse and dealing with work responsibilities or being in upper management and then coming home, having to deal with landscaping, doing a yard, and then, coming home, having to deal with landscaping, doing a yard, and then coming home and have to make sure that the upkeep is taken care of, the dishes are washed and things are being cleaned, the car is being serviced. And then your responsibilities in your local ministry or in your neighborhood association. There's so many responsibilities that many of us have, but men specifically have a different level of responsibility. As we get into this, you'll see more and more as we delve into this series.

Speaker 2:

I understand the challenge of being a king. You have to do all those things in your household, but it's next level to have to deal with multiple households. How about having to be responsible for 500, a thousand, 2,500 households, 5,000 households? That's what it means to be a king. You have a kingdom that you're responsible for. So, whether it be a priest, a prophet or a king, I get even, as I said, out of my mouth decreeing it to you and encouraging you. Today, at least I attempted to. I understand the challenge. I get how difficult that must be in your ears to hear that Priest, prophet and king, I'm just trying to be a good father man. I'm trying to be a good son, a good brother, trying to be a good father man. I'm trying to be a good son, a good brother, trying to be a good man, a good me. I totally understand this. There's a challenge in all of this. Being a father and a son isn't easy. Honestly, nobody ever said it would be.

Speaker 2:

What if your child, despite all that you taught them, despite all the encouragement you gave, all the ways that you tried to lift them up, let them know that there's nothing in this world they can't accomplish? Maybe you told them it was done through hard work. Maybe you said if you're kind to others, people would be kind to you. I don't know what your teaching style was, the level of instruction you gave to your child, but suppose, after all, you gave all you poured into them. They decided to go into a different direction, as a matter of fact, the polar opposite to what you taught them, and instead of being a beacon of light in the community, they represent something else. They look like something else. They've become something else. What if that was your child?

Speaker 2:

Being a father or a son isn't easy as a son, what if your parent functions publicly in a way that brings you embarrassment, that brings shame to your family, and it's contrary to what you learned while you were being raised? It wasn't a part of your upbringing. They're acting and conducting themselves in a way that is unlike the person that you remembered. What if that was your parent? What do you do with that? As a son, being a father or a son isn't easy. It's definitely not easy to be a you. I name one challenge in being a father. I name another challenge in being a son. But how difficult it must be to be you.

Speaker 2:

What if the you you've grown accustomed to is not the actual, authentic identity, but a manufactured one. See, I know we can already go to some places. That's going to be totally uncomfortable and I get that, but we still going to go here anyway because we got to really go to some places. That's going to be totally uncomfortable and I get that, but we're still going to go here anyway because we got you. We got to do that. But what if the you that you've grown so accustomed to, you've made space for this you? You got all the adoration and the surroundings and all the adornments around this you. You got real accustomed to this you.

Speaker 2:

What if you found out that it's not the actual identity, it's not the actual, authentic you that God intended, but a manufactured one? What if you're not walking in purpose? I'm just asking this to give us something to think about. What if you're not walking in purpose? I'm just asking this to give us something to think about. What if you're not walking in your purpose? What if what you're doing feeds the opposite of who you should be, rather than the true person you should become? What if it looks like it's fulfilling you, but it really isn't? It's hurting you, it's hindering you. And it's fulfilling you, but it really isn't. It's hurting you, it's hindering you and it's pulling you away from the purpose you should be walking in, the purpose yet to be manifested, that really does change this world. What if the you you're going to custom to is not the one you should be spending your time focusing on? And you recognize that today. What's your next steps? What do you do now? How do you handle this?

Speaker 2:

Some folks spend their entire lives Trying to figure out who they are. Excuse me, they spend their entire lives trying to find out who they are. That's one of the most saddest things that I think I've ever heard, but it's a reality in our world. It's not something that's discussed on the news. You may see it played out in cinema from time to time, but it's not discussed a lot. It's definitely not really discussed in the podcast world. I know we talk about it on this show. We talk about it on my social media because I think about this kind of stuff all the time.

Speaker 2:

Maybe, in the opinion of some, I think about it too much and I talk about and post it too much, but we spend most of our lives trying to figure out who we are and life is indeed a journey, but in this case, the journey is definitely the goal. We learn more about ourselves while we're en route to the goal than we do once we've actually arrived there, in route to the goal, than we do once we've actually arrived there. We learn more about ourselves while we're in route to get into the dream or hope or the realization of a goal than we do by actually being there. We learn so much about ourselves through the tragedy and through the conflict, through the struggles and the adversity. We find out more about ourselves then than we ever do standing at the finish line with our hands raised. Like I said, a lot of us spend our lives, our entire lives, trying to figure out who we are, but some, tragically, never discover that. Tragically, they never even find out who they are.

Speaker 2:

My old mentor, our old mentor, who we love and we miss greatly. I've quoted him so many times in the show that he probably should be getting royalties. But Dr Miles Monroe, his books and his works and his teachings have been so impactful in my life. And one thing, one of his quotes, that I love to share, and I won't quote it now because I'll just butcher it. It's a pretty long quote too, but the bottom line of the quote.

Speaker 2:

The gist of it is that the graveyard is the richest place on earth. It's the place where there are so many songs that haven't been written, poems that haven't been scribed yet, books that haven't been written, cures that haven't been found. They all are located in the graveyard. All of the ideas and plans and hopes and dreams and unrealized potential lies in the grave. It's richer than Fort Knox.

Speaker 2:

Some, tragically, never discover who they are, who they really are at their core, not their first and last name, not the title they have at church or at their job, but they never locate the true person, the one that God made. That's the evidence of the thief's most deadly and egregious work to steal someone's destiny. It's probably one of the worst things I can even imagine in my mind. Describe for me this. Let's do a bit of a. Let's use our imagination for a second. Describe for me this.

Speaker 2:

Describe a feeling of losing something important. I think all of us can step into these shoes. We've all lost something important at some point in time. Might've just been for a few hours, maybe it was for a couple of days, maybe it was for a week. We all lost something important. It could be Our keys. It could be Our favorite pen, maybe it's Our wallet. We don't know where we put it. It could be some other trinket or something of inspirational or sentimental value. Where did I put it?

Speaker 2:

I lost it and you find yourself searching for hours, maybe even searching for days. But here's a scenario you do end up finding it, but it's in a very obvious place. After hours and days of trying to find it, you find it in one of the most obvious place. After hours and days of trying to find it, you find it in one of the most obvious places, like why didn't I look here? It was right here the whole time and I tore the whole place apart trying to find it and it was right here the whole time.

Speaker 2:

What's your very first reaction? What's the first emotion you feel? I'm asking this for a reason. Stay with me, do not get lost. This is going to make sense. What's the first emotion you have? What's the first emotion you have? What's the second emotion you have After finding it in a very obvious place and you put in so much work trying to find it? I know hindsight is 20-20, of course, and I love mysteries. To be honest, I'm definitely a mystery lover. But if I missed out on my destiny. I would not be able to bear God hitting the playback button. I want to see the playback machine and see where I left my destiny after all the years of laboring, doing something else that I called destiny, but it came very short.

Speaker 2:

What was actually intended for me? People talk about wealth and talk about prospering and things like that, but to be. I know a lot of folks that they're definitely cool with being a thousand. They lived their whole life being a thousand there and God may want them. To be honest. I know a lot of folks that they're definitely cool with being a thousandaire. They'll live their whole life being a thousandaire and God may want them to be a billionaire and they think that their thousandaire lifestyle Pleases God. They think that he's cool with them being poor and near destitute. One check away from being on the street and they think they're pleasing God with that, but he wants them to be a billionaire. That's just one example of what destiny can look like for you. Once you tap into what it is you're here for. What's on tap for you, what's in the storehouse waiting for you?

Speaker 2:

We spend so much time chasing after things that's not for us, things that really are a shadow of what we really can accomplish, what we really can be, who we can really be. You know, recently and I say recently, but it's been off and on for quite a while I've shared much of my story regarding my parentage, I think the first three seasons of the Call Me Mr you the podcast. Almost every other episode you probably hear another tidbit around that story. It's a long one, probably some of the most painful stuff that I've ever shared, nothing worse than being rejected by the one that is supposed to love you most and love you the best. But I wanted to be courageous and I wanted to be bold, so I shared it on a national and even a global stage, and this podcast is heard in Africa and Australia and South America and even Germany, as a matter of fact, pretty popular in Germany, it looks like, at least to a small degree anyway.

Speaker 2:

But I share that because sonship is a big deal. Sonship and our understanding of it and our willingness to lean into it makes a big difference. It makes a big difference in everything that we do. I don't care if we're part of the neighborhood watch. I don't care if we're one of the deacons at the church. I don't care if we are assistant manager at our job. I don't care if we are just the guy in the community that cleans his yard and keeps his grass cut low and plays with his kids at the park. I don't care what the role is that you have, the position or the title that you're walking with. Sonship plays a part in that. The way you see yourself, the way you see your father or the father or both, affects your ability to do those things and to do them on a higher level.

Speaker 2:

We're talking about changing the world. That's one of our mantras on this show. We're your weekly mirror. Check before you go change the world Before you change the world honestly. All the systems and methods and programs can change the world like a fully change. You can like a fully change world like a fully changed.

Speaker 2:

You can Like a fully changed Y-O-U can when you change you, then you can change your world and the world at large. But it's really going to start with you.

Speaker 2:

We can finger point all day long and point about all the folks in my life that let me down in the past. But the mandate is on me to change, to adjust, to grow, to learn to heal, to forgive. It's on me and it's on you. In order to be a father, you have to understand sonship from the standpoint of the scriptures, from the standpoint of the model that's been set, the example that's been set, to be a son. You got to understand sonship. What does it mean to be a son? What's your role and responsibility? And what does it mean to be you? You think you got that. You think you understand that right now.

Speaker 2:

I know people in their 30s, in their 50s, even in their 70s. They're still holding on to things that happened when they were 12. They don't even know who they're supposed to be, much less who they fully are right now. All they know is the imagery that they've been rehearsing over and over in their head. All they know is the identity of what somebody said they were supposed to be or what somebody said they'll never be, and they wear that like it's a coat. They'll never be and they wear that like it's a coat. And they walk around In the Carrying disapproval and carrying letdowns, wearing them like garments. To be a father, To be a son, to be a man in America Is no walk in the park. But to be the authentic you You're supposed to be a man in America, there's no walk in the park. But to be the authentic you you're supposed to be. There's a battle and there's a conflict attached to that. Excuse me, but we're going to talk about that as we move into this series. I think it's going to be helpful to you. I'm going to be pulling a lot from my experiences with sonship and growing through some fatherhood issues and things of that nature, and we're going to talk about it in great detail. I may even pull some things from a book that I wrote on fatherhood and sonship, so maybe we'll be using that throughout the course of this series. But I am grateful that you continue to stick with us. I think you're going to enjoy what's coming out, what's coming forth with this series. But I hope this episode ministered to you so far, hope it excites you enough to hang on and hear the rest of this series.

Speaker 2:

So thank you again for listening, sharing us and subscribing to our show. We definitely appreciate it. If you're an audio listener. Of course, you can follow our podcast wherever you enjoy your audio listening Pandora, iheartradio, spotify, apple Podcasts and on Apple Podcasts you can subscribe to our show. It's the only place right now where you can do that. So we definitely thank you for hitting the subscribe button there and downloading our episodes from the previous three seasons Kind of hear some of what I was talking about today in a little bit more detail.

Speaker 2:

And if you're watching us via video, of course our YouTube channel at they Call Me, mr you and, of course, we simulcast on all social media from TikTok, instagram, facebook and Twitter. Thank you again for supporting they Call Me, mr Uda podcast and our brand of shows. We definitely appreciate it. You are definitely a part of the family. However, you support us, whether it be financially or whether you're hitting the subscribe button, and you're sharing our work. Thank you, thank you for doing that. We definitely appreciate it. Check out our show notes to get any information about how to support us financially, how to support us with all of the shows that we have and hitting those links and, of course, just to hear more about what's going on with us as a podcast family. So we thank you again for all your support and we hope you continue listening. The series is going to be fire Stick with us.

Speaker 2:

Enjoy the music Coach out. Thank you.

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