They Call Me Mista Yu

TCMMY Inspiration Station: Mirror, Mirror On The Wall!

Mista Yu

Have a question for Mista Yu? Text the show and he’ll answer it personally.

What image do you project when you walk into a room? Join us at the Inspiration Station as we ponder this pivotal question inspired by the moving film "The Forge." We're diving into the rich tapestry of themes like fatherhood, family dynamics, and self-image. This episode isn't about chasing fame or influence; it's about an intentional journey towards understanding how we see ourselves and how that shapes our interactions with others and with God. Drawing from the wisdom in the book of James, we delve into the essence of being doers rather than mere listeners, and how this reflection impacts both our private and public lives.

As we navigate through this wartime season, self-image becomes a significant battleground. Through a personal lens, we explore the question, "What do you want people to see when they see you coming?" This conversation pushes us to confront the reality of our self-perception and the implications it has on our life's purpose. With insights from spiritual teachings and personal experiences, we aim to challenge and inspire you to lead a life that is authentically aligned with your true purpose. Tune in, and let's embark on this introspective journey together!

Understanding how our self-image shapes our identity leads to meaningful conversations about our perceptions and the impact we have on others. We explore the question, “What do you want people to see when they see you coming?” while emphasizing the importance of reflecting on one's true self and the potential for change.  
• The significance of self-image in understanding our identity  
• How role models influence our self-perception  
• The power of spiritual reflection using scripture  
• The mission of our podcast as a weekly mirror check  
• Encouragement to seek help and support for personal growth

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Speaker 1:

Thank you very much. Welcome back to the all-purpose pod for an all-purpose life. Wherever you are and however you're listening today, call me Mr U and the Inspiration Station. Thanks for making this part of your week, man. We appreciate it. Trust me on this. This is a journey and we did, and we definitely, uh, we're under the us a belief that we are doing something divinely inspired. You know a lot of folks are podcasting out there and you might just think, hey, they're trying to get fame, they're trying to be the next great influencer. That's not us. We got a different mission in mind and we hope that it's becoming clear and apparent every time that you listen to our episodes and you tune into our show. But thanks again so much for joining us and hopefully you're inspired by this at the end of the day.

Speaker 1:

But one thing I wanted to share. Uh, you know I saw a movie recently so powerful it was. A powerful movie over overall was called the forge. Uh, there are so many things about this that kind of speak to fatherhood and the family dynamic and purpose and all the things that make this movie have all the feel-good you can imagine. But there was a very powerful question that was asked in the course of the movie. I don't know if anybody else in the room or in the three of them kind of caught that or not, I don't know, but for me it stopped me dead in my tracks. I had to jot it down. I didn't think it'd be part of a podcast episode, but I just knew that I had to deal with this, because this is a question I wanted to ask myself because initially I didn't have a great answer. So I'm like let's deal with it, let's get into this. I'll tell you that question in a second.

Speaker 1:

But self-image is probably the biggest battle that we have in this season, this wartime season that we're in. It seemed to be the biggest challenge for us Self-image, how we see ourselves, how we see God, how we see ourselves in God, how we see ourselves in the eyes of other people, society, et cetera, even our own families how do we see ourselves? You know I know a lot of folks that can answer that real quick and they'll probably have some pat answer already on deck. But honestly, this is the kind of question that we got to ask ourselves, because the way that you live your life, how it looks not the public life only, but the private life as well. How it looks determines how you see yourself. It answers the question, whether you answer it honestly or not. What was the question?

Speaker 1:

The question for the movie was what do you want people to see when they see you coming? A potential mentor asks this of his potential mentee what do you want people to see when they see you coming? Should they be in fear? Do they wonder if you're going to rob them? Do they wonder if you're going to try to sell them something that they don't want? Do they expect that you're going to ask something from them? Because if they see that you have something to give, what do you want people to see when they see you coming? How do you see yourself? What's the measuring stick you use to determine how you see yourself?

Speaker 1:

Excuse me, I love James, the first chapter. It's awesome. The entire chapter is awesome, but I love verse 22 through 24. I'm going to read it for you real quick. I want you to kind of catch the visual here, if you can catch this. But it's James, chapter one, verse 22 to 24.

Speaker 1:

Check this out. It says but be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves. For, if any, be a hearer of the word and not a doer. He is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass or like in the mirror, for he beholds himself and goes his way and straightway, forgets what manner of man he is. There's another, there's easier ways to kind of break that down in a language, but essentially what it's saying is you know, no, don't merely just listen to the word of God, or you just be fooling yourself. But someone who listens to the to God's word but doesn't do what it says is the same as the person who looks at his face in the mirror. But it's his features, these are all of the blemishes and issues and what have you and goes away and immediately forget what he looks like. That's what happens when we look in the mirror of the word and we don't do what the word says to do.

Speaker 1:

It's that important that when we listen, to, read, study the word, we should be able to apply it immediately into our life and not forget what we learned, because if you haven't experienced this in your life, maybe one day you will and I'm not going to talk over anybody's head and share a concept that was life-changing for me personally. The word of God served me as a mirror. When I looked into it, I saw my own fault. I saw my sin. I saw my shortcomings. The word highlighted for me where I needed to come up and elevate my mindset, my thinking, change my standards, how to address the weaknesses that I had, acknowledging those and knowing where to place those. I learned about loving my neighbor as I love myself. I learned about how to assess my own personal value, understanding my value in what it should be in my eyesight and what it should be in or what it is in God's eyesight. Not using the lies from the past to help me evaluate who I'm supposed to be. Not using television and ads and ideology that comes from the television, from radio, from media to determine who I should become.

Speaker 1:

Here's the idea. Think about it like this you have a busy lifestyle. Your morning starts super early. You got to head to the office on your commute. Would you ever leave the house with a clean white shirt on no-transcript? Would you leave out of the house with that shirt on?

Speaker 1:

Most people I know wouldn't dare consider it, for a couple of reasons. One, because it's a bad look for any kind of professional environment, whether you're going to school or you work in some kind of organization. It's a bad look. So I know anybody I know probably would never do that. You got a clean white shirt on that morning. You're going to get rid of that because you you know that stain is an eyesore and you don't want to deal with it all day long. Plus, people are going to ask you a lot of questions. They might even make jokes, you know, or it'll just be something that will grab attention that you don't want. But if you did that, you would be ridiculed and probably consider or suggest that you don't have a mirror, or you have one, but you ignore what you saw. You ignore what the mirror revealed. That's what happens when we look at the word intently, we read the word, we meditate on it, but we don't address the issues that the mirror reveals. It's just like that.

Speaker 1:

There are young men that's worldwide that look at their fathers and assess their value from what they see in their fathers. Now, that could be good. It could also be very bad. I know people on both sides of that equation who had fathers who were not where they should be and they received certain behaviors and habits from them. They were detrimental in their life. We're raising a family, in their workplaces, in the community. It hindered them. And some who had great fathers, who learn how to tie a tie and learn how to treat a woman and all those things. I've seen both sides of the coin. I know people in my life who have experienced both. Even young girls same situation, do the same thing with their mothers. Look at them, learn how to do their hair, how to dress, even learn makeup Some ages might be too early for makeup in my opinion but they learn these things from their mother. That's the image of how they determine they should be. That's how they evaluate who they should become, from that image.

Speaker 1:

Well, as believers, we look at God in the same way. That's why the word of God is so important, because in the word of God, we recognize how to walk in humility, how to walk in sacrifice or sacrificial love, how to walk in unconditional love, how to walk in compassion and assess our value from what he says about us and not what the world at large, what a TV commercial or a movie or a TV show says about us. One of the things that's a big deal for our brand, a model for our brand. We had it from the very beginning of the show way back in 2020. We call ourselves your weekly mirror check before you go change the world. Think about that. The whole point of the Call Me Mr you podcast and the entire brand was built around the premise that we will be your weekly mirror check before you go change the world. So, in the same way you look in the mirror before you walk out of the house to make sure your hair is right, your clothes, your tie is tied straight, your shoes are not scuffed up all those things that you do in the mirror Our podcast was designed and that's our goal at the end of the day to be a weekly mirror check.

Speaker 1:

When you hear our episode, when you listen to our episodes, you find out something about you that perhaps you may want to address. You may want to get some help with through your accountability, partnerships and mentorships and whatnot. You may want to kind of dig deeper with some issues that you may have had that you didn't realize you had. We want our show to be that weekly mirror check before you go out there and change the world and impact the world with the kind of greatness that's already inside of you. We want our show to be that your weekly mirror check before you go. Change to what we say all the time on all our shows. That's our goal, that's our assignment and we definitely want to have that uh exemplified all the time.

Speaker 1:

So when you're looking at a mirror, you know what you see it, but to walk away without any changes is egregious. You can, can't do that. So I just encourage you today, not only in the word of God, but also in taking the time to evaluate what's not right, what's not good. If people are talking to you about something that's been going on for a while and you just haven't dealt with it, maybe it's time now to deal with it, to look within and say you know what, I need help with this, and there are people, there's a community, there's organizations that can help you out with a lot of these things. Don't be afraid to seek them out.

Speaker 1:

If you don't know what that means or you don't know where to find those, reach out to me personally. I'd be happy to direct you in some places. Wherever you find this episode on social media or on our audio podcast platforms, reach out to me. I'm happy Our YouTube channel, wherever you are. Reach out to me. I'm happy to offer some advice and some counsel and maybe perhaps direct you to some places that can help you out. So hope this makes sense to you. Hope you enjoyed the episode. I hope you understand the power and the importance of the mirror, look at it and address what you see wherever you are. And have you listened to the? Call me, mr you and the inspiration station. Thanks again making us part of your week. Have a wonderful day. We appreciate you guys so much. We're out.

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